Sample OCT scan showing choroidal hypertransmission

GA progression is relentless and irreversible1

Approximately 1 million people in the US are affected by GA2

In the global Geographic Atrophy Insights Survey (GAINS) (N=203), conducted by The Harris Poll and sponsored by Apellis Pharmaceuticals3*:

77 %

of patients’ vision was impacted by GA faster than expected

1 in 3 patients say their vision started to decline prior to diagnosis with GA

In a retrospective study (n=523), 2 out of 3 patients with bilateral GA who were eligible to drive at baseline lost that ability in a median time of <2 years from the earliest record indicating diagnosis of GA4†

*The global Geographic Atrophy Insights Survey (GAINS) was sponsored by Apellis and conducted by The Harris Poll between October 12 to December 10, 2021. To accommodate visually impaired respondents, the survey was conducted online and via the telephone among 203 participants aged 60 or over (mean age 70 years) residing in the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, and Australia who self-reported that they have been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and have dry AMD in at least one of their eyes. They must also have indicated that they have advanced atrophic age-related macular degeneration or advanced atrophic AMD, advanced/late/late-stage dry age-related macular degeneration or advanced dry AMD, or geographic atrophy (GA) in one or both of their eyes. Included patients must have been currently experiencing at least 3 GA symptoms and currently do/used to do/or have been suggested by an eye care professional but have not done at least one of the following: Take a high-dose formulation of antioxidant vitamins and minerals, stop smoking, maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly, choose a healthy diet, manage other medical conditions, have check-ups of the retina regularly, or wear sunglasses with UV protection. Included patients must not have been diagnosed with glaucoma, Stargardt disease, or dementia, or be receiving regular injections into the affected eye every 4 to 6 weeks.3

A retrospective cohort analysis (N=1901) of a multicenter electronic medical record database examining disease burden and progression in patients in the United Kingdom with bilateral GA secondary to AMD.4

See life through the eyes of a patient with GA

Click on the tabs below to see the progression from normal vision to GA

Some patients living with GA describe their visual impairment as blurriness, waviness, or areas that are missing. This may lead to difficulty reading or seeing faces.5-7

Representation of vision loss for illustrative purposes only. Vision impairment due to GA may vary.

GA stories

Watch real patients share their personal experiences with GA

View transcript

The following video was developed by Apellis Pharmaceuticals, and the patient was compensated by Apellis to share his story. It contains the views, opinions and experience of Rob, a person living with Geographic Atrophy (GA). The video does not include individual treatment or medical advice. You should consult your doctor for medical advice or about any questions and concerns you have about living with GA.

Geographic Atrophy (GA) is the advanced form of Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration (Dry AMD). GA is a leading cause of blindness that affects 5 million people worldwide.8

VO: I actually woke up in the middle of the night, laying there on the pillow, cracked an eye open and looked at the LCD clock alongside of the bed. And the top of one of the numerals was kind of blinking on and off. So now I’m kind of up off the pillow with both eyes and the clock is just fine. Lay back down and the same thing happens. I’m going, “It’s not the clock.”

And so right away I made an appointment with the ophthalmologist to see what’s going on here. So, we go through the process, and he does all his tests and the bright light thing and everything and he says, “You have AMD.” I learned there are two types of it. That I have the dry type, not the wet type.

Nothing really started to go bad until about two years in. I’ve gone from not seeing the little bitty LCD light on a bedside clock to not driving a car and having trouble writing a check to not seeing your head in front of me.

Life is not set up for us who don’t drive. I rely on mostly my friends to get around, to go to the grocery store. Grocery stores are difficult because you can’t focus easily on a particular item. There are a lot of times I’m going down the aisle like this. I had to learn how to survive. And luckily my friends all have kicked in. I have awesome friends.

So, life has gotten more narrow I guess would be the way to put it. My life is slowly changed and stuff I really, really enjoy doing is going away. When it comes to golf, I think what is going on is I’m not really seeing the golf ball, but a little bit of light is still getting through in that area. Is that little light spot going to go away?

There’s no amount of money I could spend. There’s no amount of exercise I can do. There’s just nothing I can do, so it’s very hard to stay optimistic, but it’s like, life goes on. Hope comes from reading about the research that is going on and I know there’s some good progress being made—some really good progress. So that’s good—that’s hope. A lot of people have a lot rougher life than I do, and I try to keep that in mind. (Cheers!) Unlike some people I’m not getting up at six in the morning to go to work every day, so that’s optimistic all by itself.

View transcript

The following video was developed by Apellis Pharmaceuticals, and the patient was compensated by Apellis to share her story. It contains the views, opinions and experience of Santi, a person living with Geographic Atrophy (GA). The video does not include individual treatment or medical advice. You should consult your doctor for medical advice or about any questions and concerns you have about living with GA.

Geographic Atrophy (GA) is the advanced form of Dry Age Related Macular Degeneration (Dry AMD). GA is a leading cause of blindness that affects 5 million people worldwide.8

VO: For me, even as a little girl, I was so visual—and I would just thank God just for everything I could see. I’m so amazed at things that are beautiful, and did I know that somewhere down the road I was going to get this diagnosis? I don’t know. I have Geographic Atrophy in both eyes. Getting this diagnosis terrified me. I was afraid to go to sleep. I didn’t want to wake up and have lost the world. And I think we all get challenges in life, this was mine. And when the Geographic Atrophy hit, it went down fast. And then things started to disappear, like a phone pole would be crooked and there’d be parts of that pole that I wouldn’t see. And then I was legally blind. I’ve always been very independent and very visual. To think of missing that bird that’s at the feeder or the bunny that crosses the street. If I couldn’t walk my dog. Going downstairs is very scary because of the depth perception. I fell down my stairs here very badly. I immediately tried to minimize it, but I couldn’t get up. I was really hurting. I thought, “there’s going to be a day when I’m not going to be able to drive.” I sold my house. I moved where I could walk everywhere. You know, all these things to try to troubleshoot but the hard part was the emotional part. I have to feel useful. I started to go to this orphanage and just working with the kids, talking to them, I started to feel such a sense of peace. I was always the helper. I was always the one taking care of people. I have to find that middle road of being able to ask for help with grace and appreciation. I hope that it doesn’t come to the point where I don’t see it. You know, I don’t want to miss one sunrise. In every challenge I’ve ever had, there’s always been a gift that hasn’t been apparent right away. But if there always has been, I’m assuming there always will be.


See how GA can effect patients' everyday activities

View transcript

This is Gene, a 68-year-old man with early bilateral geographic atrophy. His eyes have a small central scotoma. He’s packing for a trip. Woman: Gene, the taxi will be here soon. Woman: Remember to bring your medicine. Woman: It’s in the bathroom cabinet. Woman: Gene, do you need help? Woman: The taxi will be here soon. This is Harriett, a 74-year-old woman who has intermediate bilateral geographic atrophy. Her eyes have a large central scotoma with some foveal sparing. She’s reading a book with her grandson. Grandma. All was quiet… …that morning… …and suddenly… No, you read it…Grandma. What does this say? This is Laura, a 79-year-old woman who has advanced bilateral geographic atrophy. Her eyes have a large central scotoma that has also covered the fovea. Her daughter is calling her for a video chat. [phone ringing] Daughter: Hey. Daughter: You okay? You look a little squinty. I’m fine, honey. How are you doing? It’s nice to see you both. Daughter: We’re good. Daughter: We just got back home from school. Oh, that’s nice. And what did you do at school today, sweetheart? Girl: Umm, we had a game I went around angry. Girl: They have, like, balloons, and they were like Girl: the colors of the rainbow, something like that. Girl: And there’s, like, something in the middle. Girl: And then they said Girl: red and orange are on the safe ones. Girl: And green and blue and orange are the bad ones. We hope you gained a better understanding of what it is like to live with geographic atrophy.

2.5 years

Median time to foveal encroachment from diagnosis (in a subpopulation [n=397] of a retrospective analysis within the larger AREDS prospective study [N=3640])

Early recognition of the signs and symptoms of GA and referral for retinal evaluation is critical10,11

§The Age-related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) #26, a long-term, multicenter, prospective study examining the progression of GA area in a cohort of 3640 patients with signs of early and more advanced forms of AMD.9